About Me

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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Last post

Yes, literally.

Because I've created another blog, LoveSuizabo.

I copied my posts and comments from this blog to my new one :)

That's all, more updates in new blog!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Something new is up!

Long time never been here. Just updated one of my old post, Faceless.

Recently I felt uncomfortable using my name as my blog name, so I created another one with different link, which I shared to my friends only. I updated about the same thing in my new blog, my life, my emotions, boring posts etc.

I'm kinda into makeup, skin care, fashion and hairdo stuff lately, so other than posting boring posts, I shared out my thoughts on skin care and makeup pictures in this new blog. I'll be posting more on fashion and hairdo as well. It's kinda my online dairy or note that I used to record whatever I have done from now on.

So, I'm finding way to transfer my posts from here to my new blog. But I have no time to find it yet, life's busy :) I'm not even sure if there's a way to transfer posts between 2 different blogs. #FML

Anyone can help?