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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Do you like freckles???

I always been thinking about removing my freckles ever since I realised my skin is different than other girls in my class. It was during my primary school, other girls don't have them, "why me?", I always ask.They are all over my cheeks. My mom told me that it's in our family's gene, boys get acne, girls get freckles... =3= All my aunts got them.
But I start to like them a bit when I was in England. I stayed at my pen-pal's place, her name is Alex. We were chit-chating about girl's stuff in her room, then I started to 'san' to her about my freckles and how much I want to remove them. "Why would you want to remove them, freckles are the sign of beauty." I feel happy for what she said :)
But still, comparing the westerner's freckles with mine, I still don't really like MY freckles, I don't like the way they scatter over my cheeks :(  
Look at Megan Fox's freckles, I damn like it! Scatter from the nose area towards cheeks!
This one also not bad >.<
My freckles are all over my cheeks area. Can see from this photo? *** Those on my nose area are not freckles, those are my black heads :( Can only see my freckles on my upper cheeks from this angle, they are actually all over my cheeks. (I think I repeated this for few times :P)
Okla, not say very bad looking la, but I don't think Asians are suitable for freckles, it doesn't feel like they're sign of beauty when they are on my face... sometimes I feel that they make me look like aunty :( There are some videos on youtube uploaded by some vloggers, telling how they love their freckles and how they don't give any damn about it on their face and how confident they are; of course la, your freckles are nice mah :S
Do you have freckles? Do like them?


  1. Your so pretty your freckles are a gift they make you who you are !!! :) don't feel that bad that you have to compare your freckles to that thing above your photo!

  2. thanks for your compliment :)
    i'm not feeling bad about my freckles actually, just envy the freckles above my photo...

  3. I love your freckles. Be thankful for where they are. I have freckles on my face..but they aren't light and scattered like yours. I have a dark one right in between my eyes.. figure that one out?! but its SO SMALL, and it still irritates me to death. I just don't understand how it got there. I'm also only 16. I put cover-up on it every day..and I'm always afraid it's going to come off at some point during the day. It's such a pain trying to keep it hidden. I actually made an appointment to see my dermatologist to ask about it getting removed. They said the root of the freckle was too deep to remove it without leaving a scar.. I still don't know what I'm going to do. I'd probably rather a scar. But.. your freckles are gorgeous. Be thankful they are how they are. <3

  4. http://img808.imageshack.us/img808/961/freckle.jpg

    ^ this is a link to a picture of MY freckle(with coverup on it). I circled it in red, to show you where it is.. it's kind of hard to notice when i'm wearing concealer overtop. but it's still noticable to the point where i'm extremely self conscious about it. :/

  5. I can't find ur freckle, you cover it up very well~
    I dun cover up my freckles purposely, cuz there are too many. i dunno how to cover them up without caking my face with all the makeup :(
    I used to use BB cream from KBS, it gives cover-up effect when i'm taking photo, if u see me in-person, it gives an impression of trying-to-cover-the-freckles-but-not-quite-successful :S
    So I dun use BB cream anymore, just use concealer to cover my dark circles and redness around the nose and chin and set them with powder foundation... it's impossible for me to get crystal clear skin :(
    I don't think laser can help remove freckles FOREVER cuz freckles are genetic, it'll come back later :(
    And i dun want any scar on my face, haha...

  6. I try to cover it up well.. But in person , when I'm out in the sun, I'm very self conscious about looking into someone's eyes, for fear that they'll see the cover-up I use on it, and be like, "What's that in between your eyes?" I wouldn't even know what to say. I'd turn bright red. I don't want a scar on my face either.. Ugh it's such a hard decision. Your freckles are like, scattered. They're adorable. Mine is just ugly :(

  7. Freckles can definitely be cute & attractive and yours is definitely on that side... But honey you gonna loose those contacts im sure you will look even prettier without them ;)

  8. i think freckles are one of the things that make you unique in your special way!

  9. I love colour contacts, I'd look sleepy without them... but the con was dry and it's a bit mis-position, that's y it looks weird

  10. Mussia, thanks, freckles really does make me look different from others...

  11. You are soooo beautiful, freckles and all! Just look at Lucy Liu...

  12. I am doing an assignment would you be able to post a picture if you in a raunchy pose?
    And i don't think you should have this blog because who knows what creeps are on her like David Federbush ( his photo makes him look like 50) Be careful.
