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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Back to school annual dinner

I'm back in my home town now, away from work and chores, YES!!! Finally I got mood to edit my photos, haha... multitasking, eating cha siu pao, sak kei ma, chu cheong fun and drink coffee while editing my photos :P (Eat a lot...) I used Photoscape~ My friend recommend me this tool, it's easy to use, but does not do complicated modification like PS does. I have edited the photos took during my company annual dinner.

My hairdo is different from what I have planned, can see here~ Don't have enough time to do it T.T 
I just curled them with iron and used styling spray, then clip my hair with cute pink dotted ribbon pin. I used hair serum before I start curling. But I think I did not use enough styling spray, so you can see my hair become almost zero curl at the end of these pictures.
My supervisor, that's his real school uniform from St. Anthony School Teluk Intan
Moon, me and Hui Yee ^^
I dressed up like a Japanese student, but I don't have their school bag, so I took a cute brown bag with me, bought from Hatyai for only RM20!!!
With Kai Weng, my course-mate, reflected light on his spec XD
Chun Fai, PE leng zai, hoho~
Kwee Yee, smart little guy in TD ^^
Chin Guek aka Moon, know her since MOSTI program~
Fun Pic XD
Waiting for lucky draw until feel sleepy zzzzZZZZ~
My make up is pretty simple without eyeshadow, but I used primer to avoid my liquid eyeliner from smudging. 
1. Face: BB cream + concealer + press powder + shimmer white liner for highlight
2. Eyes: Defined eyebrow + eye primer + liquid eyeliner + faux lashes
3. Lips: Vaseline + lip gloss
But my picture doesn't look like I have lip gloss on, didn't touch up after I ate :P
My hair is almost zero curl :(

Updated more edited photos. 
I tried edit these photos using PS, I'm still in learning progress, hopefully I can edit a photo nicely using PS in future :P