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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

It's been quite some time since I last wrote (except for  the x'mas wish).
I have many things to write and share in this blog, but I was too tired after work
and my company PC does not allow me to edit my photos :(
If you have a choice, don't choose engineer as your career.
***Especially electrical & electronics engineer***

In year 2010, I have (partially) fulfilled the goals I've set in year 2009.
That is to get a job with good pay in my current company (not very good, but it's good enough). *tick*
Able to enjoy myself once or twice every weekend in shopping mall or Starbucks.*tick*
Able to bring my mom for shopping or nice food when ever I got back to my home :) *tick*
(I can only go back to my hometown once in a while)
To get a boyfriend (already broke up, but still count :P) *tick*
To get driving license (got L-license, going to take P-license next year) *tick*
To meet new friends *tick*
To slim down (fat again after slim down T.T) *tick*

Today's the last day in year 2010, it's time to say good bye~ 
Although it's the hardest thing to say :P

Goodbye 2010
Welcome Year 2011

I want to set some goals for this new year too...
let me think...

Still thinking :P
Maybe I'll write about this later, lol

Have you fulfilled your goal yet?
Happy New Year 2011

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