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Thursday, November 11, 2010

School Uniform

My company's annual dinner is coming up in 2 weeks. This year's theme is Glamous-Back-to-School-Nite. We're gonna wear school uniform, haha~ I think I'm too old to get back for school uniform, but I'm very curious~ Wondering what would our managers look like in school uniform, LOL. Anyway, I'll treat this like a Halloween party without ghost, princesses, monsters, zombies, superheros etc., just student!
Annual Dinner Invitation
I don't know what to wear for this dinner but I certainly not going to wear my country's school uniform. Don't get me wrong, not wanting to wear my country's school uniform doesn't mean I don't love my country. I do love my country, but I hate the one who design our school uniform! :P
I google some pictures of school uniform from some Asia country, let's see~

Malaysia/Singapore School Uniform

Some Singapore school uniforms are similar with Malaysia's, Singapore school uniforms have more colours~ there is a blog selling school uniform in Singapore, visit it if you're interested with their school uniform, Hentai is not allow please~

For Muslim student
For non-muslim, I'm not going to wear any of this to the annual dinner, nonono~
see what happen when the uniforms are wet?
Korean School Uniform
Most of the picture shows Korean school uniform for female are tight, tight skirt, tight shirt, tight blazer~ I like this style very much, but it seems not easy to find the match clothing :(
Very nice and cute Korean school uniform, but it would be difficult to find the blazer.
hot and sexy school bitch look ;P
This one should be easier to find similar clothes to match :)
This is so cute and lovely~
Korean drama school uniform for rich people~ wow, match with vest!
Wonder Girls in school uniform, this is more like mix n match =.=
Japanese School Uniform
For this uniform, they are a bit loosen compared to Korean School uniform.
I think this is even easier to find the match clothing, bubble socks, short skirt, sweater, collared shirt and ribbon ~
Sailor school uniform, should be able to get it from Cosplay shop, but it ain't cheap.
90% similar with Malaysia's primary school uniform XD
With sleeveless sweater~
more choices :)
China/Hong Kong School Uniform
I can't find much photo for this section =S
hmm... emm... hmm...
Shenzhen school uniform
Hong Kong's school uniform, shit, can only see from the back!
Thailand School Uniform
Sexy uniform, haha~
wear slipper?
skirt too short, OMG~
this is more common in Thailand
Indonesia/Philippine School Uniform
Indonesia: does not differ much from S'pore school uniform
another Indo school uniform
Philippine: long skirt 
Which one should I go for???


  1. Japanese please:)


    Our school uniform looks stupid!

    1. malaysia is a muslim country... you must understand that... we can't show much skin..

  3. haha, I think my "uniform" is more to Japanese-inspired look :)

    See here: http://josephinehse.blogspot.com/2010/12/back-to-school-annual-dinner.html

  4. Y don't u try "ao dai" of Vietnam ?

  5. I google it, ao dai looks beautiful but it is for wedding =..=

  6. i'm very like korean style....like you can see geum jan di (go hye sun) wear on Boys over flower..

  7. its good to have a long skirt so that your legs can't be shown..right?

  8. Company uniform Singapore

    Welcome to ReallyworksPte Ltd Company, Get the best company uniform and company t shirt in Singapore. Reallyworks Provide excellent services and quality assurance to all our customers.

