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Friday, November 19, 2010

TD not easy at all~ Solve 2 stupid critical issues in 1 week!!!

(TD is the department I'm working in, short for Test Development)
Gosh~ I just got to know that Product engineers (PE) have a list of test issue waiting for me to debug... damn!!! Why??? So frustrated!!! I want to go home early can? Always have to stay back late in company, sien nia~
But I'm still happy la~ when PE told me I'm very geng neh, can solve these 2 stupid issues in a week... but hor they told me to gambate next week, cuz there are more stupid issues like this coming up :(
Test engineer is not an easy job leh~ of course at first la, maybe after a few years later when you already have more experience, these stupid issue won't be difficult for you, it'll be wet wet water only :P But, still, I don't like writing paper, ask me to write my feeling my opinion ok la, chin chai write also got 1 A4 paper long, but ask me to write technical paper, patent some more... wa peng oh~ stress stress stress~ :(

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