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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Monday, November 22, 2010

Glamours Back To School

I haven't find what I want to wear for annual dinner, YET, but I have this idea for hairdo and make-up weeks ago but I don't have time to try it out until JUST NOW. Hahaha... so happy that I finally tested it out! I uploaded a lot pictures for my hairdo and make-up in this post, I was testing it out, so I didn't take any pictures of how I get them done. As you can see in the pictures that I didn't wear any foundation nor concealer on my face, that's why you will see my flaws complexion, I had a lot of redness around my nose :(

Here we go! Cam-whore~ 

P/S: Stupid internet connection slow like snail =3= Have to go for work so I will continue upload more photos tonight ^^

my little companion :P
How do I look with my hair down??? Even more pretty :P
Time to go to bed~ Good night!

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