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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Grocery Shopping with him

I really wish I have take the pictures of my 2 ECO bags, packed with the groceries I bought from Jusco, they are REALLY pack!

Before that, WE had dinner at Old Town. The WE consists of 2 person, if you're wondering, of course one is me, another one I let you guess. Hehe! We chat mostly about electronic stuff, he was thinking of buying ipad2 or blackberry playbook, and asking how much I bought for my external HD etc. and also sambal chili... He also suggested to borrow "toys" from our company's club house *excited* for tomorrow's dinner, we can play after the dinner!

I don't really mind what're we talking about actually, cuz we're talking naturally, it's a good sign.

Oh, BTW, I'm currently looking for a boyfriend :) Is this a good news? I think so, cuz I finally step out from my previous relationship, although it already ended long time ago. 
I do not have a particular person that I like so much at the moment, but I'm ok to start a relationship with someone if he shows interest in me and I'm interested in him too. I'm not young anymore, already 26 years old, I don't have time for the "pat tor" thing but I want to, and my mom is so worried that she starts introducing guys to me =..=

Ok, back to grocery shopping! He's really a gentleman.

  1. He took the shopping cart for me and pushed it around behind me.
  2. After I got the veges and fruits, he offered to bring them to the weight counter for the price tag. 
  3. He continue to push the shopping cart with 2 packed ECO bags to car park.
  4. He place the bags carefully at the back seat.
  5. Came back from Jusco, he carried the bags all by himself until my place!

Honestly, this is my first time feeling so relax during grocery shopping.
No pushing shopping cart. 
No need to carry anything except my own fashion bag.
But this shopping wasn't going so well for him when we came out from Jusco.

We pay the parking fee at the autopay machine. The ticket was with me, so I took out and place it in the ticket slot. I didn't have any small notes, so he decided to pay.

He took out his RM1 note, out of nowhere, he started putting the note into the TICKET SLOT (see left in the picture below)!

I was petrified looking at his action. Then he realized that he aimed for the wrong slot and quickly move his money to the note insert slot.

LOL. I burst out into laughter, a terrible one, cuz I couldn't stop! But I did stop after that, successfully control my emotion, yeah.

After a while, he started complaining that he was awkward and his action was ugly... I thought it was cute :)

But I told him, I would laugh at him for this forever, whenever I see the autopay machine >.< LOL

Another thing is, under my blur instruction, he tried to get out of the parking through the entrance *sweat*.

We realized about it early as we saw cars coming out from the car park through the other lane! So we reverse back into the car park -..-

It was lucky cuz no car is coming from in front of us. It would be damn funny if a car does show up in front of us that time.

I laugh again! Couldn't stand it >.<

This is so cute!

Another thing that I want to write down here is:

He has a really nice car seat covers in his car, it was boxes-like, got cute character pattern on it. I asked where he bought it, but he told me it was from his ex-girl friend O.o

I really felt sorry at that moment because I heard from my friend that he was really heart-broken after his ex break up with him. Before I have my "sorry" coming out from my lips, he asked me, "You really believe what I said?" I was fooled! Then he said I'm so 单纯. Anyone who know what is this word in English?

My first time being said I'm 单纯. I am, but not many people realized about this. So gam dong!

Now I know that Enokitake mushroom is his favorite, the only pasta he ate is spaghetti and he likes chicken breast and 瘦肉.

[Hope I don't regret writing this! Imagining how it would be if my friend found out who HE is and told him about this post >.<]

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I know I know... I didn't keep a constant update at my blog... it's bad!

Hope you guys still want to read my blog. 

I've been lazying around... working also lazy, but I still go to work though... for the sake of living! FML!

I start cooking my own dinner recently. Don't know what to eat for dinner anymore.

My dinner have always been fried rice, fried kuey tiao, fried bee hoon, claypot chicken rice, char xiu rice, hokkien noodle, curry noodle, lok lok etc. Kinda bored with these food. So, I cook!

I invented my own 三色煎蛋 (3 coloured omelet)... haha, it's actually omelet with veges, delicious and healthy food.

I experiment by cooking my rice and vege together, taste great!

I also make the fillings for pita and tortilla, with lots of veges, taste really good~ yummy!

Also tried cooking black pepper chicken and lemon chicken for the first time, they taste heavenly, hehe~

Maybe I should put my recipe here, loners out there can cook your own dinner when no one ask u to one.

Or when you are bored with outside food, like me :-)

I don't want to put it up la if no one is interested.

Leave a comment, let me know what u think :)))
(another way to know if anyone's still reading my blog, hehe!)