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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I know I know... I didn't keep a constant update at my blog... it's bad!

Hope you guys still want to read my blog. 

I've been lazying around... working also lazy, but I still go to work though... for the sake of living! FML!

I start cooking my own dinner recently. Don't know what to eat for dinner anymore.

My dinner have always been fried rice, fried kuey tiao, fried bee hoon, claypot chicken rice, char xiu rice, hokkien noodle, curry noodle, lok lok etc. Kinda bored with these food. So, I cook!

I invented my own 三色煎蛋 (3 coloured omelet)... haha, it's actually omelet with veges, delicious and healthy food.

I experiment by cooking my rice and vege together, taste great!

I also make the fillings for pita and tortilla, with lots of veges, taste really good~ yummy!

Also tried cooking black pepper chicken and lemon chicken for the first time, they taste heavenly, hehe~

Maybe I should put my recipe here, loners out there can cook your own dinner when no one ask u to one.

Or when you are bored with outside food, like me :-)

I don't want to put it up la if no one is interested.

Leave a comment, let me know what u think :)))
(another way to know if anyone's still reading my blog, hehe!)

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