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Friday, July 8, 2011

Unhappy Transformer 3

Everyone's excited about the latest new movie on screen, Transformer 3. I still remember Q-ing up in front of GSC Queensbay Mall with my friend Cay Ling last-last Sunday to book the tickets, the movie was not on screen YET. They have 2 halls for Transformers 3, all sold out O.o

Cay Ling's bf, Yong, wanted to watch so badly, he and his friend book the ticket at Sunway Carnival's GSC, which FYI, is not on the island. And the show time is freaking 11.45pm!!! By the time the show is finished, it should be already 2am!!! But in the end, the show finished at ~3.15am, I'll let you know why.

What I wanted to say in this entry is,

I will never want to go to Sunway Carnival's GSC any more! 


1) Our ticket is 11.45pm (2345), but the show start at 12.35...AM (0035)
The show was almost 1 hour late... That was suppose to be a Thursday show... it became Friday show! Seriously, WHAT A NICE EXPERIENCE! We paid our money for the ticket to sit inside the cinema hall for chit chat and side seeing, GREEE...ATE!

2) No explanation from GSC's behalf regarding to the late SHOW up!
We waited for almost 1 hour in the cinema hall with the screen BLANK! Yes, it's blank... NO advertisement, NO trailers, nothing! And they let us wait in there like bimbo, without informing us the show is going to be an hour late! Apparently, I think no staff actually dare to show up in the cinema hall without their Transformer 3, all the people in the hall might eat the staff alive!

3) Untrained Staff?? (This is the angriest part!)
That girl should be just a normal ordinary staff without any rank in THAT cinema, I said it because she show it to all of us! When one of the customers shout furiously from his seat, asking why the show is late and why no one comes to give any explanation etc., the staff's reply really light up my "fire".
She said:"SABAR..."


Can you believe that? She said it like we DESERVED to wait for an hour, pretty sure she thinks it's not her fault... but Miss who-ever-you-are, you're in GSC uniform, you're representing GSC, do you really think we care if this is your own fault for the 1 hour delay??? Now, because of YOUR fault, I can't really enjoy my Transformer 3 movie!

[It's been a week after the incident, I'm still mad :(]

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