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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Here are some camwhoring picture of mine after modeling for WPSoo. That was a rushing day~!

I have to be ready for photo shooting after my weekly badminton and went for a movie with Cay Ling and Yong after that.

I seldom do smoky eye makeup, so must camwhore!

I actually have double eyelid, but you can't tell from the picture because mine are taped double eyelid. I have change to a new BB cream too, gives me glowing smooth healthy skin in the picture ^_^

Tried to act cute (which is not my thing), seems failed... doesn't really look cute though... Weird! Lets go with waving my hand then.

Hi ~

Omo and Angel tried to run away from me because they don't like the camera flash =(

Omo looks like a villain, LOL
That's all the nice photos from my camwhoring, ending with my sleepy face, my eyes are tired from looking at the camera flash.

[Hope to do better during next photo shooting session ^ ^]

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