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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Notice the new icon?

Yeah~ I finally change my blog icon! 

I designed a simple one for my blog using PS CS5.

A pink alphabet "J" in Old English Text MT overlapped with a black circle.

I wanted to do this earlier, but my PS CS5 trial version was expired!

I have tried so many cracked serial numbers found online but it won't work because the it's required to activate the serial number online, if the serial number been used before, it can't be used twice.

Until I came across a youtube video that teach people how to crack PS CS5 by just replacing a .dll file. 

It's amazing!

But changing the icon using the build-in function provided by Blogger doesn't seems to work for me so I used the hack one.

I uploaded my 16x16 PNG formatted icon to Picasa and link it to my blog by adding this into my HTML template.
And add:<link href=' icon address link ' rel=’shortcut icon’/><link href=' icon address link ' rel=’icon’ type=’image/png’/>
 Happy Blogging!

[Staying overnight PS-ing]

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