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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm excited!!!

I have a pear-shape body figure, or some said BIG ASS, which makes me getting fat easily. I have tried out several methods to trim my thigh, it works a bit, but not long, Now, I'm having BIG ASS again!!! this happened after I started to work, I ate late every night.
Finally, I just found out the method to make Pelvis smaller - effectively slim down thigh and legs!!! I remembered I saw this title on the last page of a Japanese Magazine 3 years ago when I first decided to go on diet to make my butt look smaller and my legs slimmer. It's a preview of next month's magazine cover page..!!! Unfortunately I wasn't able to buy that magazine... sigh!!!
I'll try out this method and share the result next week. For those who has pear-shaped body figure just like ME, if this works well, I'll share the method with all of you next week ^^

Stay tune =]

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wake Up

I was super duper sleepy in the office today, and there's pile of jobs waiting to be done... damn!!! 
I did a lot of things to wake myself up in my cubicle.
I ate my "ham jin peng" bought from cafe during lunch time.
I go facebook - view my friends updates.
I stretch my body, did some warm up exercise in my cubicle. 
(Luckily no one pass by my cubicle =P)
I turned on my camera to look at the photos I took during last week's trip.
I took my Collagen drink bought from Thailand (taste not bad, but pretty expensive, 50ml costs ~RM3)
I wrote down my next trip plan.

All this wakes me up for less than 5 mins, sigh... =S
So I went to gym room, which is pretty near to my cubicle ^^
I ride on the bicycle machine for 5 mins, my heart rate reach 144, 22 Calories burned (yippee!!!) as displayed on the LED display on the machine.

I feel much more awake right now. Let's continue with my work =)

Friday, September 17, 2010

Saying Hi, I'm Josephine

I have been writing a few blogs before, but all of the blogs couldn't last too long before I decide to close them all. The reason is may be I'm not good at expressing my feelings, on writing or speaking... Hopefully this will be the blog which I will use until my journey in this world is over :) 

"Josephine" is a name my English pen-pal, Alex, and her sister, Julie, gave to me 7 years ago when I went to England as my form 5 graduation trip. I named myself "Joe" when I was writing to my pen-pal in England. I got my current English name during one of our conversations. "Joe" is short for "Joseph", it is rare and normally used as a boy's name, so my "Joe" became "Jo", which is also short for "Joseph" (male's name), and also for "Joan", "Joanna" or "Josephine" (female's name), just like my pen-pals name, "Alex" for Alexandra (female's name) and Alexander (male's name). They chose "Josephine" for me as this name suits their impression of me. Since then, I've been using this name when I meet with new friends. 

"Hi, I'm Josephine." 

I will try to post new updates A.S.A.P. Thanks for reading.