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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I'm excited!!!

I have a pear-shape body figure, or some said BIG ASS, which makes me getting fat easily. I have tried out several methods to trim my thigh, it works a bit, but not long, Now, I'm having BIG ASS again!!! this happened after I started to work, I ate late every night.
Finally, I just found out the method to make Pelvis smaller - effectively slim down thigh and legs!!! I remembered I saw this title on the last page of a Japanese Magazine 3 years ago when I first decided to go on diet to make my butt look smaller and my legs slimmer. It's a preview of next month's magazine cover page..!!! Unfortunately I wasn't able to buy that magazine... sigh!!!
I'll try out this method and share the result next week. For those who has pear-shaped body figure just like ME, if this works well, I'll share the method with all of you next week ^^

Stay tune =]

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