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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

Wake Up

I was super duper sleepy in the office today, and there's pile of jobs waiting to be done... damn!!! 
I did a lot of things to wake myself up in my cubicle.
I ate my "ham jin peng" bought from cafe during lunch time.
I go facebook - view my friends updates.
I stretch my body, did some warm up exercise in my cubicle. 
(Luckily no one pass by my cubicle =P)
I turned on my camera to look at the photos I took during last week's trip.
I took my Collagen drink bought from Thailand (taste not bad, but pretty expensive, 50ml costs ~RM3)
I wrote down my next trip plan.

All this wakes me up for less than 5 mins, sigh... =S
So I went to gym room, which is pretty near to my cubicle ^^
I ride on the bicycle machine for 5 mins, my heart rate reach 144, 22 Calories burned (yippee!!!) as displayed on the LED display on the machine.

I feel much more awake right now. Let's continue with my work =)

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