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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010

It's been quite some time since I last wrote (except for  the x'mas wish).
I have many things to write and share in this blog, but I was too tired after work
and my company PC does not allow me to edit my photos :(
If you have a choice, don't choose engineer as your career.
***Especially electrical & electronics engineer***

In year 2010, I have (partially) fulfilled the goals I've set in year 2009.
That is to get a job with good pay in my current company (not very good, but it's good enough). *tick*
Able to enjoy myself once or twice every weekend in shopping mall or Starbucks.*tick*
Able to bring my mom for shopping or nice food when ever I got back to my home :) *tick*
(I can only go back to my hometown once in a while)
To get a boyfriend (already broke up, but still count :P) *tick*
To get driving license (got L-license, going to take P-license next year) *tick*
To meet new friends *tick*
To slim down (fat again after slim down T.T) *tick*

Today's the last day in year 2010, it's time to say good bye~ 
Although it's the hardest thing to say :P

Goodbye 2010
Welcome Year 2011

I want to set some goals for this new year too...
let me think...

Still thinking :P
Maybe I'll write about this later, lol

Have you fulfilled your goal yet?
Happy New Year 2011

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

I'll be busy hanging out with my friends this Christmas :P
Plan cancelled because friend fall sick~ Lonely Christmas~
Wishing all of you Merry Christmas~
***May love, peace & joy come down to you***

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Do you like freckles???

I always been thinking about removing my freckles ever since I realised my skin is different than other girls in my class. It was during my primary school, other girls don't have them, "why me?", I always ask.They are all over my cheeks. My mom told me that it's in our family's gene, boys get acne, girls get freckles... =3= All my aunts got them.
But I start to like them a bit when I was in England. I stayed at my pen-pal's place, her name is Alex. We were chit-chating about girl's stuff in her room, then I started to 'san' to her about my freckles and how much I want to remove them. "Why would you want to remove them, freckles are the sign of beauty." I feel happy for what she said :)
But still, comparing the westerner's freckles with mine, I still don't really like MY freckles, I don't like the way they scatter over my cheeks :(  
Look at Megan Fox's freckles, I damn like it! Scatter from the nose area towards cheeks!
This one also not bad >.<
My freckles are all over my cheeks area. Can see from this photo? *** Those on my nose area are not freckles, those are my black heads :( Can only see my freckles on my upper cheeks from this angle, they are actually all over my cheeks. (I think I repeated this for few times :P)
Okla, not say very bad looking la, but I don't think Asians are suitable for freckles, it doesn't feel like they're sign of beauty when they are on my face... sometimes I feel that they make me look like aunty :( There are some videos on youtube uploaded by some vloggers, telling how they love their freckles and how they don't give any damn about it on their face and how confident they are; of course la, your freckles are nice mah :S
Do you have freckles? Do like them?

Do you love watching anime or reading comic books?

My very first anime that I can still remember watching is Sailormoon. The love story between the moon princess and earth prince is so beautiful. Although I was only 10, I believe a lot of girl have fantasy of romance at that age ^^
But my family doesn't subscribe to Astro, so I can only watch anime when it's available on TV1,2,3 (NTV7, 8TV and channel 9 didn't exist yet at that time). My mother think it's not beneficial for my study, thus, I'm only allowed to watch after I finished my homework, as a reward.
I have been reading comic books since I was in primary school too. I still remember the first time I went into a comic shop; I was 11 years old (standard 5), I didn't know there's a shop full of comic books in it. I just finished my classes and my mom was late to fetch me from school, so my friend invite me to the comic shop in that area. I was amazed when I first went into the shop, since I only know Sailormoon, so I rent Sailormoon comic with my pocket money :P 
I stopped renting comic books when I entered secondary school because my pocket money is quite tight :( until form 2, my classmate rented some comic books and brought them to school, I got to read them ^^ During my university life, I rent a lot from shops, even until now, I'll still rent some comic books to read if I'm bored. But I prefer watching anime because I read very slow... Since me and my housemate installed 4Mbps streamyx, we can PPS without the lagging image *hooray*, thus I can watch whatever anime available for stream :P 
I'm watching a funny anime recently, want to recommend to everyone, it's called princess princess, a story about 3 first year junior in male school being assigned to cosplay as princesses in their school, everyone called them "Hime" (princess in japanese), it's a bit like BL anime, but don't worry, it's not 18SX~
Mikoto, Touru, Yuuichiro

My current favourite anime is ONE PIECE!!! I love Luffy's character so much. He's strong, ambitious, never leave any of his friends behind, always there to help what ever he can, full of justice, believe in himself and his crew *>.< kiaaaa!!!* People around him believe in him too!
One Piece OVA: Strong World *nice*
I have been watching this anime since my 3rd year in university, that's 2 and a half years ago... Now, Luffy's journey is not yet finish! The reason I like One Piece so much other than Luffy's character is there are always new things inside this anime that amaze me, their "technologies", their "gadgets", their "super power" (some from the devil fruits, some born within) and the spirit-rising effect, I feel touch especially when they successfully fly their ship to Skypia, island floating on the sky, and win in a fight with the Navy to save their friend. Other than that, this anime has a hint of hilarious-ness too, I sometimes can't stopped laughing when watching this. Luffy, Chopper, Usopu, Franky and Brooke are so funny XD
Which comics or anime that you like? ^^

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Back to school annual dinner

I'm back in my home town now, away from work and chores, YES!!! Finally I got mood to edit my photos, haha... multitasking, eating cha siu pao, sak kei ma, chu cheong fun and drink coffee while editing my photos :P (Eat a lot...) I used Photoscape~ My friend recommend me this tool, it's easy to use, but does not do complicated modification like PS does. I have edited the photos took during my company annual dinner.

My hairdo is different from what I have planned, can see here~ Don't have enough time to do it T.T 
I just curled them with iron and used styling spray, then clip my hair with cute pink dotted ribbon pin. I used hair serum before I start curling. But I think I did not use enough styling spray, so you can see my hair become almost zero curl at the end of these pictures.
My supervisor, that's his real school uniform from St. Anthony School Teluk Intan
Moon, me and Hui Yee ^^
I dressed up like a Japanese student, but I don't have their school bag, so I took a cute brown bag with me, bought from Hatyai for only RM20!!!
With Kai Weng, my course-mate, reflected light on his spec XD
Chun Fai, PE leng zai, hoho~
Kwee Yee, smart little guy in TD ^^
Chin Guek aka Moon, know her since MOSTI program~
Fun Pic XD
Waiting for lucky draw until feel sleepy zzzzZZZZ~
My make up is pretty simple without eyeshadow, but I used primer to avoid my liquid eyeliner from smudging. 
1. Face: BB cream + concealer + press powder + shimmer white liner for highlight
2. Eyes: Defined eyebrow + eye primer + liquid eyeliner + faux lashes
3. Lips: Vaseline + lip gloss
But my picture doesn't look like I have lip gloss on, didn't touch up after I ate :P
My hair is almost zero curl :(

Friday, December 3, 2010


I've been missing myself for quite sometimes, things happened... and I'm trying hard to adjust myself and my life back to the NORMAL one, just pray it won't take too long. Thank you to all of you who are still reading and supporting my blog (if there's any :P).

Here's a photo that my colleague took during our company annual dinner.
I'm in the fourth column :P

*** change my blog layout so that I can display larger photo :P