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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011




Simple Home-made Salad

I promised my friend to share him about my home-made salad, so I wrote this :)

I made my dinner last week, it was a simple salad that I made with ingredients I found in my kitchen. There are baby butter-head, Harbin smoked sausage, extra virgin olive oil, thousand island salad dressing.
Harbin smoked sausage - my favorite

Baby Butterhead - healthy vege

Extra virgin olive oil - high in anti-oxidant

Thousand island dressing

  1. De-froze the smoked sausage
  2. I use only 1 baby butterhead, pluck the butterhead into pieces, wash it with clean water, especially the part near the root
  3. Slice the smoked sausage in (1)
  4. Heat up your frying pan with small amount of vegetable oil, using a very light fire
  5. Place smoked sausage (1) on the heated pan to heat it up
  6. Absorb excess oil on the smoked sausage with kitchen towel
  7. Break the butterhead into smaller pieces and place them into a bowl, add some olive oil and salad dressing
  8. Place your smoked sausage in (6) on top of the salad, done!
Think it's too simple for your taste buds? Add some scrambled-egg on top of the salad and some black pepper ^^
I don't know why the picture is rotated when I upload it :(
my home-made salad with smoked sausage and scrambled egg
The taste was good, but I should reduce my smoked sausage by half. There are smoked sausage left by the time I finished the butterhead.
It doesn't have to be thousand island, other type of dressing will do too. Scrambled egg and sausage matches best with creamy dressing :)
If prefer more vegetable, I recommend purple cabbage, white onion rings and some cherry tomatoes. Different colours of vegetables gives different rich phytonutrients.
If does not have sausage, the salad goes well with sliced boiled egg too.
if don't have olive oil, just go without it :)

Hope you like it. Enjoy~!

Monday, February 21, 2011


Penang is well known as food paradise. 
You can find variety of cuisines here, Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Malay, Thailand, German, Korean, Nyonya, local oriental etc. 
My friends who work in other places envy that I can have all the nice food here :) 
When I first staying in Penang, food hunt is a must during our weekends. 
I was excited during each of this event. 
I'd find out all the famous nice food available in Penang and plan for the next food hunt.
After 1 year and 7 months of working and staying in Penang, food hunt no longer gives me excitement any more. 
When I got back from my company every night, it's a pain for me to think of what to eat for dinner. 
I've already started to get bored with Penang food.
Not that it's difficult for me to take away my dinner, in fact, there are a lot of restaurants and stalls near my resident area.
But I just don't feel like eating outside anymore.
Most of the time, I skip my dinner.
Diet? Can I bring my weight down?
The answer is NO!
I would take supper eventually, when I couldn't stand the hunger anymore =..=
So I told myself "I need to take my dinner!"
Since it's hard for me to think of what to buy for dinner, I start to think of what to make for dinner :)
It's a long time since I make my own dinner last time (not included instant noodle!).
Last week, I had my home-made salad for dinner.
I have the picture of it posted on my Facebook wall. 
A simple salad that I made with what I can find in my kitchen.
It was delicious!!!
Hope I can continue to make my own dinner.

***** Making my own dinner ***** 
I don't have to worry about the amount of oil, MSG and sodium in my food.
I can choose to eat more vegetable in this way.
I can build my cooking skill and get ready to be my Mr. Right's wife :P
I can be creative and think of many ways to make my dinner.
 I can save more money (hehe^^)
I would call my mom more often (ask for her recipe :D)
Hopefully, I can bring down my KGs!

Do you make your own dinner?
Share with me what you make for your dinner?

~* Happy Cooking *~