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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Angel fell off from 19th floor!

Yes, that's what I thought when I couldn't find Angel.

I searched everywhere, calling her name.

Normally she would have show up if I call her name.

But not this time!

I can't find her in my room, toilet, living room, kitchen nor the laundry area.

She likes to hang out in the laundry area whenever she can come out from my room.

It's surrounded by iron grating instead of brick wall, where she can see outside clearly from there.

That was the first place I searched for her, but I couldn't find her.

No matter how many times I called her name, how loud I called her name, there's no response.

That's when I thought of something bad.

What if she fell off from the iron grating?

This is 19th floor, if she really fell outside, she'd be dead!

Thinking of this gives me really bad feeling.

I was very worried, kept walking everywhere in the apartment, crying her name, hoping she will show up in front of me.

I went back to the laundry area, and there she is!

She did fell off from the iron grating, but not outside.

She fell into the laundry storage, right under the iron grating.

When I found her, she's trying hard to get herself out from the storage.

It was such a relieve to see her, ALIVE!

I love you, Angel.

Don't ever make me worry again.

Mc Angel?

***Ordering cage from eBay for Omo & Angel***

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