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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

US Pizza Delivery

When I feel like craving pizza, I always go for Dominos Pizza. The delivery service is good to me and I prefer Dominos's pizza over Pizza Hut's. Today, I want to give US Pizza a try. Many told me that US pizza taste better than Dominos. To me, Dominos already taste good, US pizza taste better??? We shall see :)

Today is Tuesday, so me and my friend Cay Ling decided to call US Pizza up because they have US Tuesday promotion. 

***They do not have online ordering nor hotline service, the type of call where you are asked to press number for language and type of services.

The phone rings about 7-8 times before a guy answer my call. That was considered long for me to wait for a restaurant to answer a call. 

I expect the guy on the phone to answer with "US Pizza. Hello, may I help you?" but it was really noisy on the other side of the phone, I barely hear what the guy is saying, I only heard he say a word, it's short, definitely not "May I help you?". It might be "US Pizza" (okie, at least I know where I'm calling) or a simple "Hello" (Huh? Where/who is this?).     

I have to ask the guy if this is US pizza, just in case, to make sure I'm not making call to any random house =..=

He asked for my phone number... full address... and address...??? 

As I said, it was noisy on the other side of the phone, I wasn't sure if it's my hearing problem (which I heard "address" instead of "order") or he really did ask for "address" again (which is not my problem). 

Then, I pretty sure he said "address" because when I asked him "My order?" and he went "oh... yes, your order." 

Hahaha, I caught the soft "oh"!

Ok, back to the topic. So, I ordered a Penang Special and Jumbo Deluxe. The Jumbo Deluxel has 2 choices of chicken and beef. 

I forgot to mention it and the guy also didn't ask me. After he repeat my order then only I realized that I forgot to say chicken. 

Obviously, he's new, doesn't know Jumbo Deluxe has 2 choices of flavor, and was nervous when he's answering my call (because of the soft "oh", LOL)

He told me "45 mins yea" (i think) at the end of our conversation, it noisy, I don't know what he's talking about, so I went "har" and he answered again with the same phrase (guess so...) for 3 times, then he spoke "the pizza will reach in 45 mins". 

WTF! You should have said so in the beginning because I can understand what you're saying better if it's a sentence instead of a phrase. Call answering service, I rate 1.5 stars out of 5.

After 1 hour of doing chores work in my room... the pizza'a here~

Although the guy on the phone told me that the pizza will arrive in 45 mins, the pizza arrived 1hr and 10 mins after the call. 

When the delivery guy's here, he didn't call me on my phone instead he knock on my apartment door. I was inside my room that time, tidying, luckily, I was standing next to my room door when the delivery guy knock the apartment door. 

Actually I thought I heard something, didn't really hear the knock clearly, I just open the front door to if there's someone out there. 

The reason you ask for phone number when people wants to make a delivery order is to contact the customer, I really do not understand why won't he just call me when he's already there. May be he lost his phone, or he's out of credit... or maybe he worry US pizza won't pay him back 20 cents for calling me when he reach =..= 

If I really didn't hear the knock, he will have to stand outside the door waiting, waiting and waiting... until I open the door to throw my rubbish. 

Maybe that's what he was doing when he delivered pizza to previous customer... that's why he can't deliver my pizza in 45 mins! 

US pizza, maybe you should consider giving free mobile prepaid card to your delivery man so that they can make call to customer when they reach!

I didn't complaint about the lateness, AND the deliver guy also kesi diam diam, pass my pizza to me, I give him the money, he gave me back my change, turn around and leave.

LIKE THAT ONLY??? No thank you for ordering US pizza??? My inner voice !"£$%^&*. 

No la, I'm 斯文人, won't scold him like that, at-most blog about him, like I'm doing now :)

The deliver guy's attitude is not good, I don't like this kind of service. US pizza, did you forgot to teach your employee what is service? 

Fine, forget about it, let's eat the pizza before the delivery guy spoil my appetite.

Penang Special
 This one looks really loss-appetite. The picture of this pizza on the flyer can see the green pepper and onions on top of the pizza, looks delicious, but this looks just like a piece of crap... But the taste still ok though, taste like laksa, very special.

Jumbo Deluxe
This one looks a lot nicer! Taste good too AND it's chicken! Luckily, else I'll have to finish this all by myself because Cay Ling doesn't eat beef.

I can understand why many say US pizza taster better, it does, because they pizza crust is thinner compare to the regular one. For comparison of the thickness of pizza crust: Pizza Hut > Dominos > US Pizza. I think they pizza topping makes US Pizza special too.
So far my overall comment for US Pizza Delivery is "ok lo". 

However, my next pizza delivery order will be back to Dominos because it has online ordering and they always reach in time, else the delivery guy will give us free pizza voucher for next order.

For US Pizza, I'll choose to dine in next time.

***Had a very full dinner***

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