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Friday, June 24, 2011

Suffocated Season

I wanted to write this since 2~3 weeks ago, but I always forgot about it when I got back to my room.

These few weeks have been really horrible for me to go outside.

I went to Langkawi for trip last week, thus forgot about it. But I remember about it once I came back!

I'll blog about my Langkawi trip later. 

Bad news always come first, so that when good news come, it'd sound happier XD

I didn't realised that THE season is here until I had the first smell from a unit near my apartment parking lot.

I thought it was rubbish left for weeks to have that smell.

Excuse me, can I have some fresh air please???

Then I smell it in the elevator! Aarrggg! 

What is this smell?

Jesus Christ, it's DURIAN! (sorry, I'm not a Christian~)

I'm writing this in my office cubicle, my colleagues might thought I'm so hardworking :P

It's lunch time, and I heard people passing by my cubicle saying wanna go eat durian!

My friend Wei Pin also going out with his colleague for Durian Fest.... EEWWW!!!

I can even smell it now, although there's no durian smell inside here.

I don't hate durian when I was little, I actually like eating this fruit.

My brothers and I were always waiting for durian season to come, and we would ask mommy and daddy to buy some nice durian for us.

Durians are always expensive, so my parents didn't buy much every season. So we only get to eat once every year!

My brother likes to eat them with rice and I like to eat them chilled.

These memories becomes nightmare when my aunty's neighbours gave us big buckets of free durian.

Everyone was happy cuz it's FREE. I was happy too!

But my mom kept feeding me durian until I feel grossed~~~ but I didn't vomit, just feel grossed!

Grossed until I hate durian now, don't even want to see them at all!

Well, my friends like eating durian, so I'd just stay away from them if they're going to eat / just eaten durian.

I hate durian, but I love u guys, my friends... you can eat your durian, but please don't buy any durian souvenir and hide in my drawer~ (someone just told me he would do this =..=)

***Hope durian season end faster***

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