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Monday, June 13, 2011

Disturbing morning

I truly felt that I shouldn't write about this, but I really can't get the image out of my head.

This is really disturbing.

It's Monday morning, and here comes the OSIM symptom (Oh Shit It's Monday). 

I can't concentrate on my work even more than usual Mondays.

Ok, here goes...

I saw someone NAKED this morning.

A shocked baby face for you to illustrate my expression
Yes, naked as not a single spot on the body was covered with cloth.

And I saw the... the... how should I put this? Elephant? I'll leave this for your imagination.

Out of all the responses, I thought I should just stay quiet and pretend that I didn't see anything that I'm not suppose to see.

But I went "Opps!". 

Oh no! It was damn awkward!!!

I think the naked person would feel awkward until want to kill himself too!!!

Whenever I saw the person's face, I would remember what happen this morning =..=

***Hope I will feel better after this, same for the person involved, popi popi***

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