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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Read My Blog

I'm at work now, I know it's not right, it's against company's policy... *blah blah blah*, but I couldn't take it any more, so I blog! The happiest thing I can do when I'm stressed and overloaded with unstable emotion is to BLOG!!! *happy*

Those who know me and had read my blog must know I'm quite an emotional person. (If you don't know, go read my blog now~ hahaha!)
 That is why I blog! 
I need somewhere to speak out my feelings and thoughts when I'm having a strong emotion towards something/someone. Don't take me wrong, my emotion is not only sad and angry things, I have happy thoughts too :DDDD

I used to just talk to my friends. I shared everything about myself to my friends, whether it's good or bad. But I find people don't usually care about what you think or what you say if they think you don't care about what they think, I think :P Some friends, I find them hiding things from me when I'm totally open to them, I told them everything, and I expect the same from them, that's what true friends are, right? 

I guess true friends are hard to find nowadays. Everyone (not every la, some la) plotting each other like the one shown in HK drama? Not tired meh plotting here and there? I have an disadvantage on this matter lo, I told people (that I think is my friend) everything without realised if that person will betray me or not. My brain only think about where to buy sui clothes, how to get sui skin, what nice to food to eat (tam jiak). 

I desperately need an audience I guess. Attention??? Yea, I think so. I do get upset when people neglected me or doesn't pay attention to me. Since this is my blog, I can say whatever I want that is all about ME!!! *evil laugh* Over here, I don't care if you don't care, because I can't see your don't-care face, wakakaka! If you read my blog and you think you don't care?? Think again, don't lie to yourself... you care about me leh *proud* (beh pai seh >///<)


I have a lot to write in my blog but my time is never enough for me... why one day has only 24 hours?
I used to have something running in my mind that I want to blog about it, but from time to time, I forgot what I want to blog about already... 
Upon my friend's suggestion, I write what ever that's in my mind that I want to blog about on a paper or sticky post-it note.
I realised that I really have a lot of boliao (无聊) thing to write :D
I wonder if I really have to be a student or someone who has a lot of time to be at home so that I can do better in blogging. Maybe I can't write, that's why I always post shitty entry. No la, I think my entry quite ok la... for beginner, hahaha~ I also like to take pictures and always want to share them in my blog, but I don't have enough time to edit them (always luan luan edit), so my photos are quite shitty (it's true because I only have a shitty camera).
Here comes another photo of me and my friend taken using my shitty camera :)

Another shitty blog entry... whatever *roll eyes*, it's my blog~ lalala lalala~

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ready for a change

I've been struggling recently whether I should keep everything as it is or make a change.
I'm afraid that things might get worst if I make a move to change what I have now.
I'm afraid that things might never be changed (better) if I stay with what I have now.
After talking with my friends and family, I feel I have confident to make the next step.
Now, all I have to do is to wait for the good news. ~God bless~

Like my photo?

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Whenever you met someone new around you... 
Have you ever feel that someone is trying to talk to you? (trying... like did not miss any chances to talk to you... maybe missed by 20% >.<)
Comment on every single status you post on FB? (Not every... but almost) 
Trying to invite you out for movie or dinner? 
And this person is someone you're not even close with at all?
I met someone like this...
I will not reveal who I'm refering to, but if YOU see this, and think you're the one, I'll have to apologize first, just in case, I wrote something that hurt you...
If you're wondering, the reason I wrote this is because i felt uncomfortable with what you're doing... 
I can accept my close friend to treat me like this, but not you, sorry... 
When i said close friend means we know each other quite long time and we hang out a lot!!!
Although I sounds very nice sometimes, this doesn't mean I'm ok with you, hanging around with me or chat with me like we know each other for a very long time... 
this only happen if... yes, i said IF, I'm interested in you... 
and when I said "interested", it can be as simple as becoming a close friend... 
so, I think you can take that as I don't want to be your close friend...
It's not that I decide not to become your close friend right when I first saw you, it's your behaviour I guess... I felt weird with all the sudden comments and talks and invitation...
I think the reason why I had this uncomfortable feeling around you, is because you're trying a little too hard...
The feeling is like: this person is trying to tackle me!
Honestly, this freaks me out... O_O
I think I've done this too... Maybe I freaked out my friends too :P
Anyway, I just want to channel out my feelings... sorry if this hurt you...
It's ok for you to invite me for dinner or movie, IF it's with the present of my close friends... or presents of someone I'm comfortable with...
I felt super weird when you invite me for movie with friends that I'm not that close with... 
Yes, it's weird... I think I will fell insecure during the whole movie if I go for the movie with you... and your friends...
I guess this will eventually affect you and your friends' mood...
I believe it will, because if my friend feel weird going out with me, I will feel the same too, and I will not enjoy the outing at all...
Except you're a 神经大条...

Have this experience? ^^

Monday, March 7, 2011


"现在的我在干嘛?" 我总是会这样问自己

(1) 一天到晚睡觉
睡觉? 对! 我睡觉的能力可不是盖的噢... 我可以睡觉超过15小时, 譬如说我晚上12点睡觉, 我可以一直睡到下午或傍晚... 其实我并不是昏睡, 就是懒惰醒来... 不想面对现实! 我想一直沉睡在睡梦中... 这是当我面对压力时, 想逃避的行为... 你有过吗?
(2) 一天到晚看戏
看戏? 对! 我这能力也不是盖的噢... 我曾经连追40集的港剧, 没睡过, 就是一直看... 也没吃饭, 在房里找到什么就吃什么... 也没洗澡 (我知道很脏, 还满脸油光)... 这也是逃避的行为之一, 一心想陶醉在剧情里... 你有过吗?
(3) 工作时没心工作
我可不是一般的无心工作... (真的!) 我可以一整天呆在公司里, 没工作, 就只上面子书, 部落格, Twitter, YouTube, ClickNetwork.TV. 工作时常都是堆到最后一分钟再来赶... 你有过吗?

现在的我腰很酸, 很累, 因为要工作... 可是很无心工作, 结果写部落格了... 
心里想着要做, 可又告诉自己再休息多一下下, 轻松多一下下... 你有过吗?

要如何改变这样的自己呢? 应该很难吧?
人啊, 在面对现实里的诸多压力后, 总会有想逃避现实的时候吧... 
我想我应该是受够了吧... 受够了做不是自己的自己...
可是, 诚实的做回自己, 是要付出代价的...

我, 并非没有家人的孤儿, 做每一件事都必须考虑到家人的反应和感受... 
我, 或许很在乎我的家人, 所以做事都以他们优先, 自己排第二...
我, 可能因为自己是家里长女, 所以总会在自己的肩膀背上无形的重重包袱...
我, 即使有了隐形的翅膀, 也飞得不高不远...
我, 还真羡慕当老幺的... 可以做自己想做的... (换句话说, 我还真羡慕我弟弟啊~)

又乱写了一堆废话, 喜欢请按like

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Streamyx Down in Penang

For those who are staying in Penang Island Sg. Dua area and Bukit Jambul area, I'm sure some of you had experienced Streamyx-down recently.
I'm staying in Pekaka Apartment, Streamyx was down since last Wednesday (23rd Feb 2011).
I was able to connect to my house network, but not able to connect to internet. 
At first I thought it was modem down, so I tried shuting down the modem for over 10 seconds and turn it on again.
But I still couldn't connect to the damn internet! For whole night!
The next day, I post about this on Facebook.
My university junior who happened to stay in the same apartment respond to it. 
They told me they have filed a report regarding to the Streamyx-down, and all we have to do is wait.
That night, coming back from my office, I rushed to my PC and check the internet connection, it's back.
I was happily using the internet to do my stuff.
On friday morning, I used the internet to remote access back to my office PC for work.
I was not feeling well and decided to work from home. 
Everything goes fine. The internet connection is as good as it usually does.
So, I thought the Streamyx-down thingy is over. 
HELL NO!!! The Streamyx gone down again in the afternoon =..=
And again, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Streamyx down!
I went to my friend's house in the same apartment on Monday, he's using Penang Phone, so he has the internet connection (while Streamyx users are bored to death, my junior went to McD for Wifi). Streamyx sucks!!!
The internet connection came back around 11pm on that night.
I thought, finally!!! The internet is ok too on the next day morning. 
I was happily using it as I was on MC and I got nothing to do except surf net.
Then, there it goes again, Streamx down in the evening... again!
Streamyx really sucks!!! 
Finally, Streamyx internet is back again today. 
It was still down when I tried at 7pm just now.
Hopefully it's all over...
Just in-case it's not over, I asked about this Streamyx down issue at the Streamyx dealer counter located at Tesco Extra.
You can actually ask for a REBATE if you're affected by the Streamyx-down issue.
The lady told me to call 100 -> press to choose language -> press 1 for techinical -> you will be told to enter you phone line number blah blah blah, when it finish the talking, just press #, no need to enter anything else -> then you'll be directed to the customer service, file a report, remember, ASK for your REPORT NUMBER.
When the internet is back again, call 100 -> press to choose language -> press 2 this time -> i forgot is enter or just tell them your report number and you can ASK for a REBATE on your streamyx bill
I tried it just now, but I couldn't get through, I guess too many people is calling this number for rebate, probably... 
Well, now that the internet is back, I hope the victims (affected by Streamyx-down) have fun using the internet now, and hopefully there won't be any Streamyx-down case anymore.

I found this on the web about people criticizing Streamyx...
TM Streamyx, you'll need to do better!!!
Think TM Streamyx sucks?


福建话就叫 哦--摩-- (Omo)
我朋友应该会顶不顺我吧 >.<



Thumbs up if you like cats :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


今天又看医生了, 昨晚咳得很厉害, 还咳到呕吐... 之前吃的咳嗽药水都呕出来了... 
我公司的supervisor载我去看医生, 原本想拿referral letter去Pantai Hospital看专科的, 可是医生说, 就算看专科, 也会是差不多一样的, 又得浪费时间排队, 浪费金钱...
不过医生说, 如果我坚持要拿referral letter也没关系.

1. 帮我换药
2. 照X-ray, 再换药
3. 给我referral letter

刚刚去了Pantai Hospital照X-Ray, 肺没有事情, 但是我的腰骨有事 :(
我的腰骨歪了, 应该是两年前跌摩多造成的...
医生建议我每天喝一杯牛奶, 在不然就吃Calcium supplement!

转回正题, 当我告知医生我有养猫咪时, 医生说, 我的咳嗽很可能是猫咪的毛发或便便引起的...
我的猫咪名字叫黑毛... 医生建议最好不要养动物... 

医生也给了我不同的药... 这一次的咳嗽药不是药水, 而是药丸...
也给了我止呕药, 敏感药及抗生素...
刚刚吃了药, 不知道是心理作用, 还是真的是酱... 
有好一点了, 但也还有咳嗽 :)


我生病了!一直咳嗽,咳个不停 >.<
今天又拿MC了,因为医生开了特效药给我,吃了会发困 @.@
吃了药的我,昏睡了一整天, 醒来时,已经满身汗了,喉咙也比较不痒了 :D