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Thursday, March 10, 2011


Whenever you met someone new around you... 
Have you ever feel that someone is trying to talk to you? (trying... like did not miss any chances to talk to you... maybe missed by 20% >.<)
Comment on every single status you post on FB? (Not every... but almost) 
Trying to invite you out for movie or dinner? 
And this person is someone you're not even close with at all?
I met someone like this...
I will not reveal who I'm refering to, but if YOU see this, and think you're the one, I'll have to apologize first, just in case, I wrote something that hurt you...
If you're wondering, the reason I wrote this is because i felt uncomfortable with what you're doing... 
I can accept my close friend to treat me like this, but not you, sorry... 
When i said close friend means we know each other quite long time and we hang out a lot!!!
Although I sounds very nice sometimes, this doesn't mean I'm ok with you, hanging around with me or chat with me like we know each other for a very long time... 
this only happen if... yes, i said IF, I'm interested in you... 
and when I said "interested", it can be as simple as becoming a close friend... 
so, I think you can take that as I don't want to be your close friend...
It's not that I decide not to become your close friend right when I first saw you, it's your behaviour I guess... I felt weird with all the sudden comments and talks and invitation...
I think the reason why I had this uncomfortable feeling around you, is because you're trying a little too hard...
The feeling is like: this person is trying to tackle me!
Honestly, this freaks me out... O_O
I think I've done this too... Maybe I freaked out my friends too :P
Anyway, I just want to channel out my feelings... sorry if this hurt you...
It's ok for you to invite me for dinner or movie, IF it's with the present of my close friends... or presents of someone I'm comfortable with...
I felt super weird when you invite me for movie with friends that I'm not that close with... 
Yes, it's weird... I think I will fell insecure during the whole movie if I go for the movie with you... and your friends...
I guess this will eventually affect you and your friends' mood...
I believe it will, because if my friend feel weird going out with me, I will feel the same too, and I will not enjoy the outing at all...
Except you're a 神经大条...

Have this experience? ^^