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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Streamyx Down in Penang

For those who are staying in Penang Island Sg. Dua area and Bukit Jambul area, I'm sure some of you had experienced Streamyx-down recently.
I'm staying in Pekaka Apartment, Streamyx was down since last Wednesday (23rd Feb 2011).
I was able to connect to my house network, but not able to connect to internet. 
At first I thought it was modem down, so I tried shuting down the modem for over 10 seconds and turn it on again.
But I still couldn't connect to the damn internet! For whole night!
The next day, I post about this on Facebook.
My university junior who happened to stay in the same apartment respond to it. 
They told me they have filed a report regarding to the Streamyx-down, and all we have to do is wait.
That night, coming back from my office, I rushed to my PC and check the internet connection, it's back.
I was happily using the internet to do my stuff.
On friday morning, I used the internet to remote access back to my office PC for work.
I was not feeling well and decided to work from home. 
Everything goes fine. The internet connection is as good as it usually does.
So, I thought the Streamyx-down thingy is over. 
HELL NO!!! The Streamyx gone down again in the afternoon =..=
And again, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Streamyx down!
I went to my friend's house in the same apartment on Monday, he's using Penang Phone, so he has the internet connection (while Streamyx users are bored to death, my junior went to McD for Wifi). Streamyx sucks!!!
The internet connection came back around 11pm on that night.
I thought, finally!!! The internet is ok too on the next day morning. 
I was happily using it as I was on MC and I got nothing to do except surf net.
Then, there it goes again, Streamx down in the evening... again!
Streamyx really sucks!!! 
Finally, Streamyx internet is back again today. 
It was still down when I tried at 7pm just now.
Hopefully it's all over...
Just in-case it's not over, I asked about this Streamyx down issue at the Streamyx dealer counter located at Tesco Extra.
You can actually ask for a REBATE if you're affected by the Streamyx-down issue.
The lady told me to call 100 -> press to choose language -> press 1 for techinical -> you will be told to enter you phone line number blah blah blah, when it finish the talking, just press #, no need to enter anything else -> then you'll be directed to the customer service, file a report, remember, ASK for your REPORT NUMBER.
When the internet is back again, call 100 -> press to choose language -> press 2 this time -> i forgot is enter or just tell them your report number and you can ASK for a REBATE on your streamyx bill
I tried it just now, but I couldn't get through, I guess too many people is calling this number for rebate, probably... 
Well, now that the internet is back, I hope the victims (affected by Streamyx-down) have fun using the internet now, and hopefully there won't be any Streamyx-down case anymore.

I found this on the web about people criticizing Streamyx...
TM Streamyx, you'll need to do better!!!
Think TM Streamyx sucks?

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