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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Read My Blog

I'm at work now, I know it's not right, it's against company's policy... *blah blah blah*, but I couldn't take it any more, so I blog! The happiest thing I can do when I'm stressed and overloaded with unstable emotion is to BLOG!!! *happy*

Those who know me and had read my blog must know I'm quite an emotional person. (If you don't know, go read my blog now~ hahaha!)
 That is why I blog! 
I need somewhere to speak out my feelings and thoughts when I'm having a strong emotion towards something/someone. Don't take me wrong, my emotion is not only sad and angry things, I have happy thoughts too :DDDD

I used to just talk to my friends. I shared everything about myself to my friends, whether it's good or bad. But I find people don't usually care about what you think or what you say if they think you don't care about what they think, I think :P Some friends, I find them hiding things from me when I'm totally open to them, I told them everything, and I expect the same from them, that's what true friends are, right? 

I guess true friends are hard to find nowadays. Everyone (not every la, some la) plotting each other like the one shown in HK drama? Not tired meh plotting here and there? I have an disadvantage on this matter lo, I told people (that I think is my friend) everything without realised if that person will betray me or not. My brain only think about where to buy sui clothes, how to get sui skin, what nice to food to eat (tam jiak). 

I desperately need an audience I guess. Attention??? Yea, I think so. I do get upset when people neglected me or doesn't pay attention to me. Since this is my blog, I can say whatever I want that is all about ME!!! *evil laugh* Over here, I don't care if you don't care, because I can't see your don't-care face, wakakaka! If you read my blog and you think you don't care?? Think again, don't lie to yourself... you care about me leh *proud* (beh pai seh >///<)


I have a lot to write in my blog but my time is never enough for me... why one day has only 24 hours?
I used to have something running in my mind that I want to blog about it, but from time to time, I forgot what I want to blog about already... 
Upon my friend's suggestion, I write what ever that's in my mind that I want to blog about on a paper or sticky post-it note.
I realised that I really have a lot of boliao (无聊) thing to write :D
I wonder if I really have to be a student or someone who has a lot of time to be at home so that I can do better in blogging. Maybe I can't write, that's why I always post shitty entry. No la, I think my entry quite ok la... for beginner, hahaha~ I also like to take pictures and always want to share them in my blog, but I don't have enough time to edit them (always luan luan edit), so my photos are quite shitty (it's true because I only have a shitty camera).
Here comes another photo of me and my friend taken using my shitty camera :)

Another shitty blog entry... whatever *roll eyes*, it's my blog~ lalala lalala~

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