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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

April Fool's Day 2011

Is really not my day!
Supposed to post this on last Friday >.<
What did I do on April Fool's day?

Overslept until noon
I wasn't aware it's noon already, cuz I turned on my air-cond last night, when I woke up, the room is cold (like morning cold), and there's no sun light shines through my window.
I thought it's still morning, since I didn't hear my alarm yet (at least I thought it is).
Until I saw the time on my HP!!! *WTF*
I didn't want to believe it's noon already~
I ran around my room, looking for my clock, again!!! *WTF*
I switched on my PC, looked at the time, shit.
I guess it's too comfy to sleep in air-conditioned room. *grumpy*

Late for technical sharing meeting
Since I already turned on my PC, I remote log in to my company PC.
I'm worried if there are request for my support, can't wait until I reach my office, I need to check my mail immediately. 
Wait, why is this has anything to do with late for meeting? Just in case you're wondering, you'll see why later, because my OUTLOOK HANGED!
If you use MS Office Outlook before, sure you know there's a calender inside right? I'm sure you all very smart to know this. 
If you don't know, let me tell you lo, when people want to schedule a meeting, they organize in Outlook calendar and send to you, when you receive it, it will appear straight away in your calendar, when meeting time almost reach, Outlook reminder will remind you 15 minutes before the meeting starts.
So I went to office to make sure it's not because of my remote log in causing the problem. IT'S NOT!!! My Outlook still hanged :(
So since my OUTLOOK HANGED, my Outlook reminder also... HANGED lo! So I don't know I got a meeting... until my colleague (one from my cubicle neighbourhood who doesn't involved in the meeting) asked me why I'm not in the meeting *open eyes wide*
so lazy to write, always want to PPS XD

Biking in the RAIN 
Yes, I'm a biker (in case you're wondering). Cool right? I'm always cool *sparkle wink*
I was on my way to office, and it's raining :(
At first, it was drizzling. I planned to head to petrol station first before I go to office, manazai the rain became heavier >.< 

NEARLY HIT a stray dog & nearly caught into ACCIDENT
I was in the hurry because of the rain, suddenly a white dog with plenty of burning spots on it's body ran really fast straight across the road. 
It successfully avoided other cars and bikes, and it was just in front of my bike (like 1~2 metres away only) O.o 
I screamed and hold the break really hard, until I can feel my bike running unstable, vibrating (??) right and left like it's going to crash. 
Yes, my bike is still moving even though I already hold the break, but slower and unstable.
And thank goodness, the dog ran really fast that it ran passed my front wheel... and it reached the other side of the road safely (I was looking at it while biking, reckless, dun learn this!)
The moment I hold the break, image of dead animals on the road and bike accident during my final year in UNI flashed through my mind, it was really terrifying... luckily both me and the dog are safe *sob sob* 


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