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Hi, I'm Josephine. Love writing random stuff here. Keep reading to know me more :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Justea Vote for Me

I've joined the Justea contest for fun *happy*

I chose to place my face on my favourite Peach Justea can!

I also make it like I have short hair, look nice on me also, right? hehe

This is my first time joining contest publicly. *jump up and down out of excitement*

As you can see, I only got 2 votes nia for now. =(

So please help me make my votes higher *innocent eyes*

Go to like Justea for fun page here and click vote for my Justea-fied face HERE.

You will be asked to enter you NRIC. This field is added by Justea for fun to prevent abuse of the contest.

Don't worry of keying your NRIC number, because as mentioned in the T&C, all information provided will be kept confidential and will be used by Yeo's only.

Many thanks for your support. Muacks!


This apps has been taken down by Facebook.

Justea For Fun're in the midst of investigating and contacting the people in Facebook.

Sorry for the inconvenience for those who support.

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