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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Old story that strikes me long long time ago

While I was on my way to office this morning, some old and unhappy memory appears in my mind.

It's kinda old story actually, but I couldn't forget it, it gives me a very bad impression of some girl who is not important at all in my life. (She's definitely-already out of my life)

Bad impression because she insulted me in front of everyone (literally?)

Not important because I couldn't even recall the name.

It all happened during an university outdoor event, where the committee members asked me (a day before) if I can help out with the make-up team. So I said ok lo, since I know a little bit of make-up too. 

They told me that I don't have to bring my make-up, someone did. Ok (??).

Time: early in the morning 7~8am (??)

Venue: beside stage in shopping mall

Event: CNY dancing performance (??)

[I skipped all the long and boring story, go straight to the point.]

Well, I really had no idea what was the event, all I know was people asked me for help, then I go.

There's a girl, who act as the main make-up artist over there, was putting make-ups and chit-chatting with the girls (the dance performers). I called her Bossy.

So I was being nice, go introduce myself and asked Bossy how can I help her out. Very voluntary, right? 

Do you know what was her response?

She asked me to wait there (at a chair) while she see what I can do (wtf?).

And then, it's ignorant!!! She completely did not bother about asking me for help and leave me sitting there like some lonely loser who might ruin her precious make-up. 

I said it because she was telling the girls that her make-ups are all good quality and very expensive. (That's what I remembered)

Really, wth is wrong with this girl?

Although she might not able to read this, but I have a message for her *from the bottom of my heart*
"Hey biatch, if you cannot trust people to use your things and scared people ruin your expensive good make-up, why don't you just bring some cheap but good make-up? Or don't ask people to find you an assistant la? I'm not here to hear you showing off your make-ups, I also got expensive good make-ups!"

I was being patient and asked her again what I can do to help. Because that's why I'm there, right? 

Impatient, is what I can see from her. She finally told me to help one of the girls to draw her brows.

This is the first thing she asked me to do, I make it to the second and you'll know what happened.

Just as I thought, FML, it's a pair of unplug-thick brows!!!

I went "huh? her brows?", and she was like "yes." *speechless*

You cannot shaped thick-unplug brows with eyebrow pencil. It'll look horrifying.

But I was still a naive person and not dare to speak out, despite I'm already 20~21 at that time.

I don't want to make her even more impatient, so I drew the brows. Yes, the brows are tremendously horrible (at least for me).

That dancer almost cry. LMLO (笑到我甩肺) *guilty*

Obviously, you can imagine how the Bossy there reacted. 

Cannot imagine? Hint you with her dialogue leh: "YOOO, why you draw until like this?"

I'm sure she realised that the brows cannot be drawn at the first place so she asked me to undo the brows.

Why am I so sure? Good question (to myself XD

Because I think if she knows how to draw this kind of brows at the first place, she would show off and tell me how to do it, instead of stupid enough to ask me to undo it.

Maybe I thought her wrongly, maybe she's not stupid, maybe she just want me to fool myself in front of others, in order to give me 下马威

Now I think it's funny, but back then, I felt sad as if I did a bad job and feel like it's my fault (I did, but not my fault) and felt wronged at the same time.

She makes me felt bad about myself back then and she did put effort on that. (what a biatch)

There's worse. 

Next thing Bossy asked me to do was to put foundation on guys, so I head to the guys' place. 

I remembered I was holding her brow pencil in my hand after I undo the dancer's horrible brows.

And then I heard a shout: "STOP!" It's Bossy, "GIMME BACK MY EYE BROW PENCIL!" with her fierce eyes staring at me.

There, only I realised I was holding her eyebrow pencils in my hand after I undo the horrible eyebrows.

That's it!!! Deep down in my heart, I was very angry *furious* with how she response over an eyebrow pencil, like I'm going to steal her precious little eyebrow pencil from her!

I have reason if you ask me: Why are you holding her eyebrow pencil?

Like I said, I was naive back then, plus she make me felt bad about myself already, so when she asked me to do something, I went straight for it without second thought, and without realising her eyebrow pencil is still on my hand.

And she saw it and shout at me, because I'll steal her used-eyebrow pencil (like I don't have one of my own). *roll eye balls*

It's not like I mean she's wrong for taking her eyebrow pencil back, there's nothing wrong with taking your own things back, but, the way you took them back is important!

Saying: "You can return the eyebrow pencil to me if you're not using it anymore" *with a smile* sounds thousand times better than "STOP! GIMME BACK MY EYE BROW PENCIL!", right? 

Instead of making enemy, you get to make new friend. But it's too late, you're my long-forgotten enemy which is no more important *blek*

So I give back the eyebrow pencil to her and head to my guy friend to put on foundation for him.

The thing is, the foundation is 2 to 3 shades lighter then my friend's skin tone, so my friend will have fair face and dark neck area. So I planned to applied on his face and neck area so that it'll look more natural.

As I was applying the foundation on his face, Bossy came and complain on my work again

Without understanding what I'm planning to do, she asked why I make-up my friend until he's face and neck became 2 colours. FML!

My internal voice: "It's your foundation problem, not my problem!"

However, I think I ignored her that time and continued to apply foundation on my friend. She didn't say anything after that. 

Of course, I gave her back her foundation straight away, right after I finished using it on my friend.

Then I went off to inform the committee member about what happen. The committee member kept on apologised to me, but it's not their fault, it's Bossy!

I went for a walk in the shopping mall after that. *ran away from work*

Moral of this story, 
(1) Do not do whatever others asked you to do, give it a second thought before you start.
(2) Do not jump to a conclusion or judge people for their work, before you understand what they are doing.
(2) If you have doubt, speak out! 
(3) Speak nicely, else you get enemy... like me *evil loud laugh*

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