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Saturday, April 23, 2011

I love food

It's Friday night! This is about a past Friday, hehe!

What's better than finding nice food to eat in Penang? That Friday night we have our tour guides (the couple in the picture), they bought us to 3 places for food!!!

Seriously! I do not know where were we at the first stop, but it's some where near the Penang Time Square, I think.

It looks like an old and small kopitiam at the road side.

We were there for the Loh Mee, and according to my friends, this Loh Mee is special, not like the ordinary one that you can get at any normal stall.

The gravy taste like the "shark fin" soup (cheap one that you can get with approx. RM5 at the roadside).

Yes! I think they added dark vinegar into the gravy. Haha, I'm pretty good at tasting food, sometimes.

Look at how big the bowl is!!! The smaller one is the normal big bowl that we normally get when eat outside.

We ordered a "big" Loh Mee for 4 of us to share and the couple ordered a small one. We did not expect the "big" to be this big, we thought the smaller one is considered "big" already!!! FML, how to stay fit if eat this much???

Wondering if there's anyone order the big one and finish eating it all alone, then that person must be a fat ass. *kidding*

I'm also a fat ass, but I don't eat this much because I can't even finish the smaller one.

Salted fish fried bean curd! One of the famous food found in Penang. But this one got nothing special, the taste is fairly nice, got salted fish taste.


My first steamed lettuce with chicken floss, it's quite special to me because that was my first time eating it

The taste is like salty-sweet. Sweet from the chicken floss while salty from the lettuce sauce. 

Quite nice but it's a bit too oily for me.

Our next round is Seafood Lok Lok in Pulau Tikus. 

This is not like the normal lok lok stall that you can see everywhere in Penang, there, you get to sit down on a chair with all the lok lok arrange accordingly right on the table, instead of standing in front of the stall with crowded customers while choosing your  favourite lok lok and steam them.

The guy from the couple said eating lok lok there got more feel. Plus, it's cleaner than the lok lok stall that required you to stand, that's why he brought us there, lol!

That place also got a "Tong Shoi" stall (糖水), just next to this lok lok stall. It's max nice to have a bowl of icy cold tong shui while having you hot fresh-steamed lok lok. *thumbs up*

Our last stop is fruit stall near Esplanade.

I did not buy any, because I don't like eating fruits right after meal.

While my friends were eating their fruit, I was camwhoring myself. 

I was too free because I'm not eating, haha!

I love this picture down here ¯ (although my face look fat)

Then I start to make others pose at the same spot to let me take picture of them!

Too free, so start to kacau others, haha! ***Just in case you don't know, kacau means disturb in Malay. 

I really is 吃饱没事做, direct translate should be nothing to do after eating, means boring, I think.

Somehow, I still prefer my self-captured (自拍) picture. 

Maybe that was because I was nearer to the camera and the flash hit my face and reflected, makes my skin look healthy and glowy like having inner shine skin.

Another camwhoring on the way home
Eaten a lot! Should start doing exercise to get rid of the body fat collected since CNY! 加油!

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